YBOA Gainesville Shootout (National Qualifier) [#3869]

April 19, 2025 - April 20, 2025





IMPORTANT Changes for 2025!!!!!

1) Home team MUST provide a book person

2) Foul count resets after each quarter and two shots start on the 5th foul of the quarter

3) each team must provide a scoresheet completely filled in with players names and jersey numbers in numerically order (https://yboaga.org/scoresheet) or print one from scorbot team page

4) game times 2nd to 6th grade 6 minute quarter  7th and 8th 7 minute quaarters 9th to 12th 8 minutes

Welcome to the YBOA Duluth SHOOTOUT! We’re glad you have joined us for this exciting event. We wish your team the best Of luck and hope you enjoy your stay. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our staff. We want to make your participation an enjoyable and rewarding experience.


Daily Admission:

Adults $15

 Students  $10

we take both cash and electronic

Coach`s Attire:

Coach`s Attire: All coaches and assistants (male and female) will wear long pants or dress shorts, shirts with collars or mock turtlenecks, dry fit t- shirts with Team Logo, and dress or basketball/tennis shoes. Casual and/or "cut off" shorts, warm-up suits, t-shirts, jeans with rips, or holes, and open-toed shoes are not permitted. There will be no hats worn while on the bench coaching. 


Tournament Director or Site Director has the authority to NOT allow any coaching staff on the bench if not in proper attire. Females will adhere to same dress code. 

These rules will be strictly enforced!!


Mandatory YBOA Membership & Check-In:

YBOA Membership is FREE and can be created at yboabasketball.com. Every team must be an active member of YBOA to participate.

Check-In IS BEFORE YOUR first game of the day.

Mandatory documentation includes:

1. Official paid copy of YBOA Membership (roster).

2. Copies of all players birth certificates. 

3. Copies of all players current-year report cards

4. Player Release Forms (transferred players if applicable) 

Check-In Day & Times:


9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Check-In Location:




Tournament Director is Faye Tiller 404-403-5235

Mandatory YBOA Scoresheets:

Every team must provide an official YBOA printed scoresheet for each game. Scoresheets can be printed from your team account at yboabasketball.com. Failure to provide an official scoresheet will result in a 2-shot technical foul to begin the game.

our on the Georgia Website https://yboaga.org/scoresheet

LIVE! Scores & Standings:

YBOA is excited to offer our teams a free service at all events. You and your entire team can receive real-time scores and game updates on your phone throughout the tournament. This free service is available to all coaches, parents, players and guests.

To receive a text on your cell phone with game results and next game information:

1. Text your Team ID Number to 404-220-8180.

2. Your Team ID Number is located on the game schedule next to your team name. 

3. You will receive texts with your team’s scores and next game information upon completion of every game.

4. Sign up to follow scores and results of as many teams as you would like (separate ID numbers with comma).

YBOA Power Rankings:

Check your National & State Rankings as well as teams from around the United States & Puerto Rico. View every team’s ranking, history, wins, losses and scores from every YBOA tournament and more!



Teams must provide their own warm-up basketballs. Home team will provide game balls.